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Українська Федерація Сьогі

вул.Половецька,14 м.Київ 04107


ЄДРПОУ 40746530

ПАТ "Приватбанк"  МФО 320649

рахунок UA813206490000026008052664604 


ЄДРПОУ 40746530

АТ "Ощадбанк" МФО 322669

рахунок UA323226690000026009300601330

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Kyiv Shogi Open - 2018

Kyiv Shogi Open - 2018

Dear Mr. and Mrs.,
Ukrainian Shogi Federation invites you to take part in " Kyiv Shogi Open 2018" tournament, dated to The Kyiv Day.
The event will take place from 26th to 27th May in Kyiv (Ukraine), in Kyiv Shogi Club (Street Polovetskaya, 14).

Tournament rules: 6 round Mac-Mahon system (if less than 16 players - Swiss system)
Time control: 30 minutes basic time for each player + byo-yomi: 1 minute per move

Special rules:
1) In case of sennichite the party will be replayed immediately with 10 minutes for each player time control (with no byo-yomi). 
2) In case of zishogi the points will be countered according to "27-point Declare System". The player who has less than 27 points, loses (or the declarer loses in case if any one of the "27-point Declare System" conditions is broken). If both players have 27 points, White wins.
(Rook and bishop worthes 5 points each, king worthes 0 points, other pieces - 1 point each)
These two cases can be fixed only by tournament’s judge.

Tournament fee:
200 UAH (~6Є), 
100 UAH (~3Є) for USF members
free for participants under 14

Tournament schedule:
26th May (Saturday):
11-30 - opening ceremony,
12-00 - 1st round,
14-00 - 2nd round,
16-00 - 3rd round
27th May (Sunday):
10-00 - 4th round,
12-00 - 5th round,
14-00 - 6th round,
16-00 - closing/prize giving ceremony

Prize giving:
The players, that took 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in tournament, will be awarded diplomas, medals and worthy prizes.

Placement criteria (ranged in decreasing importance):
- MMS (or Points - in case of Swiss system)
- the result of the party between the players.
In case all this criteria are still equal against the players in prize giving group, the additional competition will be judged between those players. Conditions of that competition will be settled by the tournament’s judge.

All expenses for players’ participating in the tournament are charged from sending organizations.

Preliminary registration is here or by email: baydenkobv@gmail.com

Tournament judge – Boris Baydenko
Mobile: +380663410157
Email: baydenkobv@gmail.com

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Дитячий чемпіонат України з сьогі - 2018


Положення про проведення "Дитячого чемпіонату України з сьогі - 2018"
1. Мета турніру: популяризація гри сьогі в Україні, визначення найсильнішого гравця України серед гравців віком до 18 років. 
2. Місце і час проведення турніру: 24 - 26 березня 2018 р., загальноосвітный навчальний заклад № 219, за адресою: проспект Оболонський, 2-б (станція метро «Оболонь»). 

3. Учасники турніру: 
До участі в турнірі допускаються громадяни України та іноземні громадяни, які засвоїли правила гри та яким на момент турніру не виповнилось 18 років. 

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